SEACS Conference – Friday 28th March 2014

Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter

This is the final conference for the European Project on Energy Efficiency (SEACS) which 361 Energy have been participating in.  Over the past three years SEACS (Sustainable Energy Across the Common Space) has tackled the challenge of reducing energy consumption by 20% by 2020 in line with the new Energy Efficiency Directive (2012)

The conference is being held in the newly refurbished, world class museum in Exeter.  It will be of interest to anyone involved in reducing energy efficiency, but particularly those working in schools and communities.  The day will focus on the successful methods and tools that have been used to assist individuals, communities, schools and local authorities to change their behaviour and implement sustainable energy measures in order to reduce energy demand.

The project partners include local authorities from Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire and Brittany as well as community groups and schools from these districts.  Other community groups involved in the project apart from 361 Energy have included Transition Dorchester , the South West Devon Community Energy Partnership, Transition Marlborough and the Wilton Community Land Trust.  These groups have developed energy efficiency programmes, put on Green Open Homes events, Renewable Energy Safaris and been investigating community renewable energy projects.  If you would like to find out more about all that has been happening in this project, free tickets can be obtained for the conference via EventBrite.

For details of the conference programme click the poster below:

SEACS conference Exeter 2014