361 Energy CIC
361 Energy CIC is a not-for-profit community interest company that is based in North Devon and Torridge. We support households in fuel poverty and address the climate crisis by improving the energy efficiency of homes and businesses in our district. Our community engagement programs focuses home energy advice, retrofit of homes, business energy efficiency advice, education and public engagement, and community owned renewable energy generation.
Energy Saving Advice in North Devon & Torridge
361 Energy CIC is a not for profit social enterprise focused on supporting our local community with energy saving advice. This includes helping households reduce bills through switching tariffs and applying for energy efficiency funding. We have retrofit coordinators who work with our local councils and social landlords on programmes to retrofit and improving the energy efficiency of the local housing stock. Our team also offers advice on energy efficiency and carbon reduction for businesses. Being embedded in our local community and a not for profit organisation, we are a trusted local partner with staff committed to going the extra mile to do all they can to help our clients.