An Energy Debate on ‘Fracking, Nuclear and/or Renewables’ will be held at the Lecture Theatre at the Petroc Brannams Campus on Thursday 26th November at 7.30pm.  This free event is highly topical, with each of these technologies regularly in the news since the General Election in May.  With the UN Climate Change Conference also taking place in Paris between 30th November and 11th December, this makes it a great time for the Petroc Debate. The ‘Question Time’ style event will be chaired by Myc Riggulsford, an experienced science and environmental journalist and broadcaster, who has previously chaired debates at the Science Museum in London.  The panel answering questions have considerable experience and a range of views on the different energy technologies.  They are:

  • Georg van den Berg, Renewable Energy Developer
  • Peter Smith, Former section head at Hinkley Point nuclear power station
  • Mike Hilson, Chartered Engineer and former President of the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
  • Dr Philip Bratby, Energy spokesman for CPRE Devon
  • Dr Chris Cornford, Petroleum Geochemistry consultant

Tickets for the free event can be booked online via the EventBrite link below.  Doing this will help with event planning.

[button link=”″ type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Book your Ticket[/button]

Questions for the panel about fracking for gas, nuclear power or renewable energy can be submitted to Annemarie O’Brien via email at  The event is being organised by the staff of the Foundation Degree in Sustainable Resource Management at Petroc.  This is a two year course in association with Plymouth University and includes modules on Renewable Energy, Low Carbon Futures, Sustainable Development and Understanding Sustainable Communities, International Perspecitives, Sustainable Materials, Products and Procurement.  If you are interested in knowing more about the course which can be studied full or part time, please contact Annemarie O’Brien.  Among the lecturers on the course are two of the Directors of 361 Energy CIC, Nicola Corrigan and Paul Rogers.

Petroc Energy Debat