In the face of the developing COVID-19 situation and latest guidance from the UK Government we, as 361 Energy, have decided that we will not be providing our Home Energy Advice visits for the foreseeable future.

This is obviously a regrettable decision to make, we know that this service has helped thousands of people across North Devon cut their energy bills and carbon footprint.

However, we have a duty of care towards our customers, especially those that are elderly or have underlying health conditions.  We as an organisation are not prepared to put those residents at risk of serious illness.

Our advisors also need to remain safe and we interpret the government advice yesterday to ‘avoid unnecessary contact’ as including home energy visits.

We will be continually monitoring the situation and would very much appreciate your support at this time. Anybody who has had an appointment cancelled will be put on a waiting list and rescheduled when safe to do so.

We are working hard behind the scenes to provide an alternative telephone energy advice service which we know will be in high demand at a time when people are looking at saving on costs. We will keep you posted with our progress

If you have any concerns about your energy bills please do give us a call on 01271 599361.

Please donate to our not for profit community organisation of you are in a position to support our work and help keep this vital service going in Northern Devon Donate here